Cris e seus filhos Roberto e Stefano
Cris has lived for many years in the United States, and is currently going through a difficult time. Being a dedicated volunteer (translator), we could not deny fulfilling her request to communicate with deceased relatives, especially her son Stefano, who died on Dec 23, 2007...
The same of recent recordings: with two laptops, two phones, and this time, also adding the TV tuned-in to cable CNN news in English. The connection was made by telephone, with Cris calling us at the agreed time. I chose to use an English-language channel as a background because Stefano understands Portuguese; however, being raised n the U.S., his Portuguese had a strong American accent. Details of this new set-up had been published in Eduardo’s Case
A peculiarity of this recording was the several occurrences of the verb TO BE instead of another verb in Portuguese that should be used to mean a state of mind or also a physical place where a person is. In Portuguese, this other verb is TO STAY. This misuse of proper verbs is very typical of English speakers who are not fluent in our language. In the case of Stefano it constitutes further evidence of identification. Examples:.
Audio 8 - Stefano says: "(She) is in her room!" he uses the verb to be)
the right verb in Portuguese should be - "(She) stays in her room" - a fact later confirmed by Cris, she actually called from her room.
Audio 15 - "But you're bad ...” When he wanted to say instead: "But you are sad!" - Which is also true since our friend is going through a very tough phase.
Audio 38 - "Hi, we are with you!" – Here he uses again the English verb to be, instead of the Portuguese verb for this meaning
Audio 40 - "I am in the world" – same misuse of Portuguese verb for this meaning
Stefano died at age 26 in a motorcycle accident due to
the irresponsibility of another young man, who also died.
It’s noticeable a strong English accent in several audios. Example:
Audio 39 (- "I love you, Mom!) He speaks a rather open ámo (love) instead of amo (love) with a closed sound on the “a”, and the word "mãe” (mother) "was also spoken with open “a” instead of nasal “ã” . This occurred in several cases..
Just before the call with Cris, I quickly checked all the equipment and did a quick test. The resulting audios are 01-05. From 06 on Cris was already on the line.
All the while the TV was on with the program in English, all the answers came through in loud and clear Portuguese.
01 |
Sonia: -“I’m getting...
”Voice: -“Will connect your bridge correct!”
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02 |
Voice: -“Serving Portugal!”
Comment: we knew that the Trans- Station that serves Brazil has some type of connection with Portugal. Although we did not ask anything, as soon as they
connect to the bridge, they inform to be also connected with Portugal
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03 |
Sonia: -“Hello...”
Voice: -“Go ahead, it will work!”
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04 |
Sonia: -“... if something happens, we will go from here to the TV set...”
Comment: I set up both a TV on CNN (in English), and the notebook with the MegaCubo program tuned in on the USA’s TV. Because it was a test, I figured that if the notebook’s sound failed, I would use the normal TV - which seems to be our Friends preference.
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Cris calls the Lab to speak with her son.:
Although Chris did not ask about her deceased parents, it was a great joy to know that both were present. This reveals how much our family remain attentive to the events we experience on Earth. The first contact, as soon as Cris came on the line, was the encouraging voice of a women: |
06 |
Female voice: -“Pass!”
Cris: -“Here I am, speaking with you...”Comment: Before Cris starts, a female said something that could be a solace l: “it will pass.”
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08 |
Sonia: -“We can start than!”
Voice: -“She’s in her room!”
Comment: as mentioned before, Stefano frequently exchanges the Portuguese verb that should be used to mean staying in a place (estar) for the verb to be (ser) Here he says that the mother is in her room, which she confirmed. Note the strong accent in the “r” (“quarrrto”
) |
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10 |
Sonia: -“... we will speak with you...”
Voice: -“Telephone!... I want!”
Comment: note the American accent in “Quero” -
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15 |
Voice: -“But you are bad!”
Comment: Again the misuse of the Brazilian verb meaning state of mind – he wanted to say “you are down!” – Something that was true . |
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17 |
Voice: -“I will connect!”
Cris: -“... Lisa needs advice – could you provide some?”
Comment: maybe this was Cris’mother; the voice was of an older woman
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18 |
Voice: -“I want to advise...”
Voice: -“To change career!”
Comment: again the older female voice – which completes what Stefano was saying - informing that Cris will change career– something that Cris has been already thinking lately, and is currently seeking a new job either in USA or Brazil
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19 |
Cris: -“ you want to say something to us?”
Voice: -“I know, my sister!”
Comment: the voice seems to mean that knows what is happening with her during this time
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20 |
Cris: -“...a new baby is coming in the family – Do you already know who it may be?”
Voice: -“YES!”
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23 |
Voice: -“Just because the mother surprises!”
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24 |
Voz: -“Eu falei! -“Resolve!”
Comentário: uma esperança para a mãe de que tudo se ajeitará.
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27 |
Cris: -“Have you been with uncles Sergio e Junior?”
Voice: -“ love you!”
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28 |
Sonia: -“(...) better so, than suddenly not return over there, right?
Voice: -“He’s gone, mom!”
Cris: -“Always helping...”
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29 |
Voice: -“The son will suffer will suffer!”
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30 |
Sonia: -“Friends, our friend Cris need help to find employment...”
Comment: and here comes the best proof – see Cris’ comments
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31 |
Voice -“Someone good will suffer with Chemo!”
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32 |
Voice -“Confirm that the father \ called, will you!”
Comment: these two following audios confirm that her parents were present
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34 |
Voice -“Your mother is here!”
Comment: possibly the father’s voice that Cris’mother was there with him.
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35 |
Sonia: -“ Will name it Pedro?”
Voice -“Mistake!”
Cris: -“No, we do not know yet...”
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38 |
Voice: -“Hi – we are with you!”
Comment: again the misuse of the Portuguese verb with the meaning of being together. In Portuguese the verb should be “estamos” rather than “somos” |
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40 |
Voice: -“I am in the world!"
Comment: misuse of Portuguese verb (“sou”) instead of “estou”
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41 |
Sonia: -“Do you see any possibility that she comes to Brazil, to that city named Alcântara?”
Voice: -“ In the United States – new contact!”
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43 |
Voice: -“my mother made discussion theme!”
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44 |
Sonia: -“A kiss to everyone...”Voice: -“Goodbye!”
Comment: I call your attention to the young man’s accent
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Mother’s Testimonial:
I wholeheartedly say that communicate with my beloved son or other relative is a priceless joy that each time increases my gratitude, knowing that Sonia uses a lot of her precious time in this lovely mission to console grieving, longing mothers.
About the Audios
This is the fourth time I communicated with my son - and it was much more agile, with faster responses, and with the participation of people that I had no idea they would intervene.
There have been interventions of several different female voices, few men, and brought several messages very clear to me in voice, manner of speech, and easily identified accent, undoubtedly coming from my eternally beloved son

Audios that were indeed of Stefano. I recognized his voice, accent, speech style, etc
8. - "It's in her room!" – i.e., he reports that I was in my room during the call, what was true, and no one knew.
9.-"Mother"- the way he called me.
17. Stefano responds "I'll try!" - When I ask if he can advise his sister Lisa. It was his way, he never failed to help.
Audio # 20. Responded with a resounding "YESSSS!" About the baby to be born in September. It was his happy way of answering
Audio # 43: - "My mother made theme." I interpreted this as if I had created a conversation on the subject of exchanging emails with the "other side." (I send emails to him from time to time)
Audio # 24 - working on the job problem being solved - he knows it's a huge concern. I was happy.
Audio # 38 - "Hi we are with you!" Another nice surprise because my husband (Robert) is also deceased, and when the voice said "we" I interpreted that it was Stefano and his father, who are always trying to support me.
Audio # 40 - "I am in the world." That voice must be my mother, who died at age 51 in a car accident in 1975 and had a joyful and cheerful voice. If it is, as I imagine, this is the first manifestation of her since Sonia and dear friends have made the bridge with my beloved son. She was in another recording but said nothing, seemed to cry at that time because I heard Stefano saying, "Grandma, do not cry, the family is united!"
Audio 23: "Just because the mother makes a surprise!" - Suggests to me is a friend of Stefano playing with him because I surprise him when I email him.
Audio # 29: "The child will suffer" - obviously it made me worried.
Audio # 31: "Someone good will suffer in the chemo" - also disturbed me.
Audio # 35 - "Wrong" was the answer when Sonia asks if the unborn baby’s name would be Pedro. The name was notchosent - so whoever said this knows it, therefore spoke.
In addition to recognizing the voice of my son with his American accent in several answers,,since we came to the U.S. when he was 3 years old, there was still absolutely personal information. I see it as the strongest evidence that the communicator was really Stefano.
One of them, as mentioned above, when he reveals that I was calling from my room.. I chose to call from the room at last minute because it was quieter.
# 22 - significant identification when the voice said:
- "Be warned: sometimes writes!"
This audio is remarkable because whenever my longing for him pressed, I wrote emails to Stefano, to his old address. I often asked myself whether he ever received them. Even two days before this recording, I commented to my daughter that I wanted to remember this time to ask about it. But again, due to the emotion of the moment, I forgot to ask, but he was aware of my questionings, and did not forget to answer.
I was most happy that day, knowing that when I write to him or think about him, he hears me. What a comfort to a mother to have evidence that her child is still there, as always.
But the audio number 30 brought the absolute proof, a smoking gun, and it was totally unexpected.
My son said: - "Perhaps talk with Lina!"
What a surprise to hear my son talking about the young woman who was his last and most beloved girlfriend, a wonderful girl who to this day sends me flowers on Mother's Day, and always calls me on Stefano's birthday.
Obviously I never mentioned her name nor commented to Sonia about the existence of this young woman.
If anyone has doubts about the authenticity of this phenomenon called Transcommunication, can now dispel them with this very clear recording.
Bulletin prepared by Sonia Rinaldi may/2012