The Fernando’s Case: the connection with Mexico​ (English version)


The Fernando’s Case: the connection with Mexico (English version)

Eletronic Magazine

  • e-mag 16 includes 178 pages
  • 100 paranormal voices and dozens of videos

  • and more:

Maria Robles from Mexico wrote asking if I could contact her husband Fernando and son, Fernando Esteban, both deceased. In the first recording, curious trans-images were registered of Fernando Esteban, portraying him as a child. Just like he was in his childhood. Maria was surprised with such a “trip in time”. A similar experience happened in a previous recording for another Mom, Maria Pe. This case was recorded in 2014 showing her two deceased sons and suggesting the possibility that The Spirit Friends are able to transmit images of the past. I had a live conversation via Zoom in my Brazil Lab, communicating with Maria Robles and her daughter Kariee in their home in Mexico united with The South American Transmission Station producing fascinating results in voices and images.

All audio clips of the replies received are in the magazine for you to listen.

It had previously been announced Dr. Roberto Landell de Moura is presently one of the

Co-Ordinators of The South American Transmission Station. While on earth, Dr. Landell was a Brazilian Inventor and Priest. While I was filming Dr. Landell’s photo, one remarkable fact happened, another Priest appeared instead. He could be identified as Father Agostino Gemelli, a pioneer of Instrumental Transcommunication, in 1952.

Nikola Tesla once again tested the Transmission with wormholes bringing the trans images of many unknown boys. 3 of these boys were identified by their respective Mothers.

I hope you will find this magazine both educational and inspiring.

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The Fernando’s Case: the connection with Mexico (English version)

Eletronic Magazine

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