Page 2 - The Milligan Experiment
P. 2

                            Recorded on 5 March, 2019
             I made a recording mainly to request a message for the
             audience that would be present in Orlando, in the We
             Don´t Die event (29 – 1 May 2019). Here are the replies
             registered from Dr. Raudive, Murray and Tesla:
             Speaking with Dr Konstantin Raudive:

              01     Sonia:   ”Hi Mr German”
                     Mr German:   ”Já ouvi!”
                     Sonia:    ”Can you talk to me?”
                     TRANSLATION:  ”I already heard you!”

              02     Sonia:  ”I have some questions from
                     Mr German:   ”É a Bia!”
                     TRANSLATION:   ”That is Bia!”

              03     Sonia:   ”Is Mr Murray with you?”
                     Mr German:   ”Alphas will hear the
                     TRANSLATION:   in German Alpha will
                     listen to  the experiments”.

              04     Sonia:   ”Are you talking from Alpha?”
                     Mr German:     ”Alô!”
                     TRANSLATION:    ”Hello!”

              05     Sonia:   ”Is Alpha in Alpha Lirae?”
                     Mr German:      ”In Alphas!”
                     Sonia:   ”Are you talking from another
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