Page 5 - The Light Bridge and TESLA's Apparition
P. 5

Bell inspired Father Landell

           Roberto Landell de Moura (1861 –1928) was a Brazilian Catholic priest, scientist and


           Landell de Moura's work is part of a large international scientific movement that, in the

           19th century, sought an improvement in distance communication skills.

           He was contemporary with inventors such as Nikola Tesla, Thomas Alva Edison, Alexander

           Graham Bell and Guglielmo Marconi.

           Landell researched the application of electromagnetic waves, developing technologies that

           led to the opening of two main lines of research - wireless telegraphy (signal transmission)
           and wireless telephony (sound transmission) - expanding the possibilities of these
           communication modalities that, until that time, depended on wired transmission

           networks, had a high construction cost and still suffered from various technical
           disadvantages in terms of safety and transmission quality.

           The Light Speaks

           Wireless Phone diagram to the side shows the operation of the light wave transmission in phonia.

           In ellipse 1, the acoustic tubes reinforced by the fan movement (circle 2) - which accelerates the sound wave - compressing to the resonance
           funnel (ellipse 3), making a transparent quartz plate vibrate on the voltaicarc front (ellipse 4). The arc light, passing through the quartz plate
           oscillating by the air movements, varies its luminosity, corresponding to the sound impulse, broken from the mouthpiece of the acoustic
           microphone (ellipse 1) and is projected to the outside through the grids of ellipse 6.
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