Page 5 - IN CONTACT #01
P. 5

The first time that a direct interference came from the
                                                                                      Other Side, I was talking online with the medium,
                                                                                      Susanne Wilson, in April 2018. The full report has 130

                                                                                      pages and was published in May of that year. The last
                                                                                      (approximately) 30 pages are relevant to this
                                                                                      uncommon experience – with a direct communication
                                                                                      from the Command.
                                                                                      This is our E-mag #07 about the transcontacts from

                                                                                      Aleks, Katarina´s son who passed at the age of 20
                                                                                      from Murfan Syndrome.
                                          Sonia Rinaldi                               I will again share the  pages related to this inexplicable

                                                                                      contact between Susanne Wilson and me.
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