Page 7 - IN CONTACT #01
P. 7

Extracted from pages 99 to 129
                                                                                          E-mag #07:

                                                                               On the of 25th April (2018), I received an e-mail from the extraordinary and respected
                                                                               American medium, Susanne Wilson who lives in Carefree, Arizona. She wrote because
                                                                               something very unusual had occurred at her home, and she thought I was somehow involved.
                                                                               She described:

                                                                               When tonight we sat down to dinner, I heard a man speaking German in our family

                                                                               room. This a room where we have my piano, a pool table, and bar, and it is seldom
                                                                               used. There is no one here but my husband and myself.
                                                                               I asked my husband Carl, "Did you hear that?" And he told me, "Yeah, it's been
                                                                               going on all afternoon.“ He said he assumed it was a spirit waiting to see me.

                                                                               I have been aware for some time that there is a doorway between dimensions in our
                                                                               family room.   We hear sonic booms coming from the room on occasion which I
                                                                               attribute to energies coming in through the invisible door.   A sort of piercing the veil
                                                                               sound.  Today I saw your face in my mind's eye for no reason.
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