Product Description
Our valuable friend, and volunteer, Lydia has also been supporting Sonia’s work in many ways – helping to get this research into the hands of our Spanish-speaking friends. Lydia has also suffered the loss of many of the closest men in her life. Lydia’s only slightly older brother, a gifted artist, passed by his own hand when he and Lydia were both in their early twenties. Later, Lydia’s own son would pass, leaving her to raise HIS son from the age of three. Sadly, and tragically, her precious grandson also passed quite unexpectedly in his early 20’s. Lydia’s son and grandson have shown themselves renewed and together to us before, but now, we can see that ALL of the important men are now reunited as Lydia’s handsome brother, Alfonso, makes his appearance beside the nephew he never had the opportunity to meet on Earth. This knowledge that we remain together as a Soul family should comfort all who grieve the “loss” of a loved one. No one is “lost”.